Meta Hand Tracking Pointer & Pinch: Create next generation interactions with Meta’s OVR Hands

  • 20 December 2023
  • 3 January 2024
  • 3 min read


Hello XR developers! 🌟 In this video, we’re diving deep into OVR Hands, exploring how to track hand movements and create unique interactions in XR. This isn’t just about using pre-made components; it’s about understanding and utilizing the underlying API from Meta for custom interaction development. We’ve prepared sample use cases focusing on physics interaction and pinch gesture recognition. If you find this video helpful, please like, subscribe, and consider supporting my work on Patreon. Join our XR Developer community on Discord for any questions. Let’s get into the exciting world of OVR Hands! 🖐️

Setting Up Meta’s Hand Tracking

  1. Meta XR SDK Installation: Start by installing the Meta XR All-in-one package or the Meta Core SDK from the Unity package manager or Unity Asset Store. 📦
  2. Enabling Hand Tracking: In your headset, go to “Settings” > “Movement Tracking” and enable “Hand and body tracking”. Adjust the “Auto-Switch Sensitivity” to “High” for a smoother transition between controllers and hands. 🕹️
  3. Unity Scene Setup: Add a regular OVR Camera Rig to your Unity scene, ensuring it supports your device and has hand tracking enabled with high frequency. 🎥

Interacting with Physics Using Hands

  1. Physics Capsules Activation: Set up a cube with a Rigidbody in Unity and enable “Physics Capsules” on the OVR Skeleton for hand interaction. 🧊
  2. Particle Effect Interaction: Create a particle effect and adjust its properties for interaction with hand physics capsules. This allows for dynamic interaction with particles in motion. ✨

Implementing Custom Hand Interactions

  1. Hand Pointer Script: Develop a script to utilize the pointer pose from OVR Hand for stable pointing direction, enabling interaction with objects. 📌
  2. Hand Pinch Detector Script: Create a script to detect pinch gestures and their strength, offering a responsive interaction based on pinch intensity. 👌

Testing and Fine-Tuning

  1. Visual Raycast Debugging: Use a line renderer to visually debug the hand pointer direction, changing colors based on interaction. 🔍
  2. Audio Feedback Integration: Incorporate audio feedback for pinch interactions, enhancing the immersive experience. 🔊
  3. Material Property Adjustment: Modify material properties like metallic values based on pinch strength for visual feedback. 🎨


By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to use OVR Hands for creating custom XR interactions. From physics-based interactions to nuanced pinch gestures, the possibilities are endless. Don’t forget to join our XR developer community on Discord for further discussion and support. Thank you for watching, and see you in the next tutorial! 👋👨‍💻🌍

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Thank you for following this tutorial. Stay tuned for more in-depth and insightful content in the realm of XR development! 🌐

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