Apple Vision Pro UI Interactions with Unity PolySpatial

  • 22 April 2024
  • 4 August 2024
  • 3 min read

🎮 Hello XR Developers! Today’s tutorial is all about incorporating the visionOS system keyboard and AI-driven speech-to-text into your Unity UI projects. Let’s break down the process into manageable sections to get you started quickly!

Setting Up Your Unity Scene

  1. Initiate a New PolySpatial Project: Launch Unity and establish a new scene, opting for the Mixed Reality app-mode for this demo.
  2. Camera Configuration:
    • Scene Camera Installation: Locate a suitable scene camera prefab within the PolySpatial samples and add it to your scene.
    • Volume Camera Setup: Create an empty game object, attach the “Volume Camera” and the “Volume Camera Resize Listener” component, and configure using the provided samples.
  3. Canvas and UI Components:
    • Integration of the Event System: Ensure the presence of an Event System, replacing the Standalone Input Module with the Input System UI Input Module.
    • Canvas Configuration: Set to “world space” for the canvas render mode, adjust the scale, and populate with UI elements like an input field, button, and slider.

Adjusting and Positioning UI Components

  • Fine-Tuning Placement: Resize and correctly position your UI components within the volume setup to ensure optimal interaction.

Building and Launching on Device

  • Deployment: Follow the build process tailored to your device, referencing prior tutorials for device and simulator setup with Unity and Xcode.

Interacting with UI Components

  • User Interaction: Experience firsthand how the UI components behave on your device, with the visionOS system keyboard supporting text input and voice commands seamlessly integrating with your setups.

Installing and Configuring Whisper for Unity

  • Package Installation: Add the Whisper package for AI speech-to-text capabilities using the link provided on GitHub – Macoron/whisper.unity.
  • Configuration: Within Unity’s Package Manager, opt for “new package from git URL” and paste the previously acquired link.

Setting Up Whisper for Speech-to-Text Functionality

  • Model Selection and Setup: Download and configure the “GGML dash Tiny” model from ggerganov/whisper.cpp, placing it in the correct directory within Unity.
  • Scene and Logic Configuration: Similar to the previous scene setup, add necessary UI elements and scripts to facilitate speech recognition and interaction.

Testing and Final Adjustments

  • Fine-Tuning and Testing: Make necessary adjustments in Unity’s settings to accommodate microphone use, build your project, and conduct a final test on your device to ensure functionality.

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